Cuentos norteamericanos de terror
Cuentos norteamericanos:
Absalom (Absalom, Henry Kuttner, C.L. Moore)
Aceite de perro (Oil of dog, Ambrose Bierce)
Adiós, profesor (Exit the professor, Henry Kuttner, C.L. Moore)
Aire frío (Cool air, H.P. Lovecraft)
Almas en pena (Restless souls, Seabury Quinn)
Al otro lado de la pared (Beyond the wall, Ambrose Bierce)
Arcilla de Innsmouth (Innsmouth clay, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
Arthur Jermyn (Arthur Jermyn, H.P. Lovecraft)
A través de las puertas de la llave de plata (Through the gates of the silver key, Lovecraft- Hoffmann Price)
Aventura del estudiante alemán (The adventure of the german student, Washington Irving)
Azathoth (Azathoth, Lovecraft)
Bajo las pirámides (Under the pyramids, H.P. Lovecraft)
Bartleby, el escribiente (Bartleby, the Scrivener, Herman Melville)
Bâtard (Bâtard, Jack London)
Berenice (Berenice, Edgar Allan Poe)
Bon Bon (Bon-Bon, Edgar Allan Poe)
Brenda (Brenda, Margaret St. Clair)
Canto del crepúsculo (Evensong, Lester del Rey)
Carta abierta de H.P. Lovecraft (Open letter to H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Bloch)
Celefais (Celefais, H.P. Lovecraft)
Cenizas (Ashes, H.P. Lovecraft, C.M. Eddy Jr)
Cesión de beneficios (Endowment policy, Henry Kuttner - Catherine L. Moore)
Chickamauga (Chickamauga, Ambrose Bierce)
Chitterton house (Chitterton house, August Derleth)
Cita en Averoigne (A rendezvous in Averoigne, Clark Ashton Smith)
Claro de Luna (Clair de Lune, Seabury Quinn)
Conan, el Bárbaro (Conan, the Barbarian, Robert E. Howard)
Cosmos en colapso (Collapsing Cosmoses, H.P. Lovecraft, R.H. Barlow)
Crepúsculo en las torres (Twilight at the towers, Clive Barker)
Cuaderno hallado en una casa deshabitada (Notebook found in a deserted house, Robert Bloch)
Cuando había claro de luna (When it was moonlight, Manly Wade Wellman)
Dagón (Dagón, H.P. Lovecraft)
De lo contrario (Or else, Henry Kuttner)
Desde el más allá (From beyond, H.P. Lovecraft)
Despedida (Turned, Charlotte Perkins Gilman)
Después (Afterward, Edith Wharton)
Diagnóstico de muerte (A diagnosis of death, Ambrose Bierce)
Dios sediento (Thirsty God, Margaret St. Clair)
Doctor Cíclope (Dr. Cyclops, Henry Kuttner)
Dos botellas negras (Two Black Bottles, H.P. Lovecraft. Wilfred Blanch Talman)
Dragón lunar (Dragon moon, Henry Kuttner)
Egoísmo, o la serpiente del pecho (Egotism; or, The Bosom-Serpent, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El (He, H.P. Lovecraft)
El abismo (The abyss, Robert A.W. Lowndes)
El alquiler fantasma (The ghostly rental, Henry James)
El alquimista (The alchemist, H.P. Lovecraft)
El altar de los muertos (The altar of the dead, Henry James)
El amo de Moxon (Moxon's master, Ambrose Bierce)
El anciano terrible (The terrible old man ,H.P. Lovecraft)
El Árbol de la Ciencia (The Tree of Knowledge, Henry James)
El árbol de la colina (The tree on the hill, H.P. Lovecraft)
El artista de lo bello (The artist of the beautiful, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El banquete de Navidad (The Christmas Banquet, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El barranco de las tres colinas (The hollow of the three hills, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El barril de amontillado (The cask of amontillado, Edgar Allan Poe)
El beso siniestro (The Black Kiss, Henry Kuttner-Robert Bloch)
El cable nocturno (The night wire, H.F. Arnold)
El camarote superior (The Upper Berth, Francis Marion Crawford)
El caos reptante (The crawling chaos, H.P. Lovecraft)
El caso Valdemar (The strange case of M. Valdemar, Edgar Allan Poe)
El cazador (The chaser, John Collier)
El ceremonial (The festival, H.P. Lovecraft)
El chico que predecía terremotos (The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes, Margaret St. Clair)
El clérigo malvado (The evil clerigman, H.P. Lovecraft)
El coloquio de los Monos y Una (The Colloquy of Monos and Una, Edgar Allan Poe)
El color que cayó del cielo (The color out of space, H.P. Lovecraft)
El coloso negro (Black Colossus, Robert E. Howard)
El corazón delator (The tell tale heart, Edgar Allan Poe)
El corazón del parque (The Heart of the Park, Flannery O'Connor)
El cuenco de cobre (The Copper Bowl, George Fielding Eliot)
El curioso caso de Benjamin Button (The curious case of Benjamin Button, F. Scott Fitzgerald)
El dedo medio del pie derecho (The Middle Toe of the Right Foot, Ambrose Bierce)
El demonio de hielo (The Ice-Demon, Clark Ashton Smith)
El demonio de lo perverso (The imp of the perverse, Edgar Allan Poe)
El Demonio en la Tierra (Hell on Earth, Robert Bloch)
El descendiente (The Descendant, H.P. Lovecraft)
El desconocido (The stranger, Ambrose Bierce)
El destino de Avoosl Wuthoqquan (The weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan, Clark Ashton Smith)
El devorador de fantasmas (The Ghost-Eater, H.P. Lovecraft, C.M. Eddy, Jr)
El devoto del mal (The devotee of evil, Clark Ashton Smith)
El diablo en el campanario (The devil in the belfry, Edgar Allan Poe)
El diablo que conocemos (The devil we know, Henry Kuttner y C.L. Moore)
El diablo y Tom Walker (The devil and Tom Walker, Washington Irving)
El día de los días (The day of days, Henry James)
El día de Wentworth (Wentworth's Day, August Derleth, H.P. Lovecraft)
El diario de Alonzo Typer (The Diary of Alonzo Typer, H.P. Lovecraft, William Lumley)
El dios de los muertos (The charnel god, Clark Ashton Smith)
El dragón (The Dragon, Ray Bradbury)
El Duque de L'Omelette (The Duc de l'Omelette, Edgar Allan Poe)
El embriagado (The Intoxicated, Shirley Jackson)
El entierro de Roger Malvin (Roger Malvin's burial, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El entierro prematuro (The premature burial, Edgar Allan Poe)
El entorno conveniente (The suitable surroundings, Ambrose Bierce)
Eleonora (Eleonora, Edgar Allan Poe)
El escarabajo de oro (The Gold Bug, Edgar Allan Poe)
El escultor de gárgolas (The maker of gargolyes ,Clark Ashton Smith)
El experimento del doctor Heidegger (Dr. Heidegger's experiment, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El extraño (The outsider, H.P. Lovecraft)
El extraño viaje de Richard Clayton (The strange flight of Richard Clayton, Robert Bloch)
El Fénix en la espada (The Phoenix on the Sword, Robert E. Howard)
El ferrocarril celestial (The celestial railroad, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El final de la historia (The end of the story, Clark Ashton Smith)
El fruto de la tumba (The tomb-spawn, Clark Ashton Smith)
El fuego de Asurbanipal (The Fire of Asshurbanipal, Robert E. Howard)
El funeral de John Mortonson (John Mortonson's funeral, Ambrose Bierce)
El gato negro (The black cat, Edgar Allan Poe)
El ghoul (The ghoul, Clark Ashton Smith)
El golpe de gracia (The coup de grace, Ambrose Bierce)
El grabado en la casa (The Picture in the House, H.P. Lovecraft)
El gran pino (The great pine, Mary Wilkins)
El gran rostro de piedra (The great stone face, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El guardián del muerto (A watcher by the dead, Ambrose Bierce)
El hacedor de lunas (The maker of moons, Robert W. Chambers)
El hipnotizador (The hypnotist, Ambrose Bierce)
El hombre al que le gustaba Dickens (The Man Who Liked Dickens, Evelyn Waugh)
El hombre de la multitud (The Man of the Crowd, Edgar Allan Poe)
El hombre de las mil piernas (The Man with a Thousand Legs, Frank Belknap Long)
El hombre de cristal (The crystal man, Edward Page Mitchell)
El hombre de piedra (The man of stone, H.P. Lovecraft - Hazel Heald)
El hombre lobo (The werewolf, Eugene Field)
El hombre más capaz del mundo (The ablest man in the world, Edward Page Mitchell)
El hombre que nunca llegaba a joven (The man who never grew young, Fritz Leiber)
El hombre retorcido (The gnarly man, L. Sprague de Camp)
El hombre sin cuerpo (The man without a body, Edward Page Mitchell)
El homúnculo (The Mannikin, Robert Bloch)
El horror de Dunwich (The Dunwich horror, H.P. Lovecraft)
El horror del montículo (The horror from the mound, Robert E. Howard)
El horror de Salem (The horror of Salem, Henry Kuttner)
El horror en la Playa Martin (The horror at Martin's Beach, H.P. Lovecraft-Sonia Greene)
El horror oculto (The lurking fear, H.P. Lovecraft)
El ídolo oscuro (The dark eidolon, Clark Ashton Smith)
El imperio de los nigromantes (The Empire of the Necromancers, Clark Ashton Smith)
El invitado ambicioso (The ambitious guest, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El jardín de Adompha (The garden of Adompha, Clark Ashton Smith)
El joven Goodman Brown (The young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El lazo de Medusa (Medusa's Coil, Zealia Bishop, H.P. Lovecraft)
El legado de Peabody (The Peabody Heritage, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
El libro de Khalk'ru (The book of Khalk'ru, Abraham Merritt)
El libro negro de Alsophocus (The black tome of Alsophocus, H.P. Lovecraft. Martin S. Warner)
El mensajero (The messenger, Robert W. Chambers)
El metrónomo (The metronome, August Derleth)
El misterio de Marie Rogêt (The Mystery of Marie Rogêt, Edgar Allan Poe)
El modelo de Pickman (Pickman's model, H.P. Lovecraft)
El monstruo de Mamurth (The Monster-God of Mamurth, Edmond Hamilton)
El montículo (The Mound, H.P. Lovecraft, Zealia Bishop)
El morador de las tinieblas (The haunter of the dark, H.P. Lovecraft)
El oráculo de Sadoqua (The oracle of Sadoqua, Clark Ashton Smith)
El pagano (The heathen, Jack London)
El pantano de la luna (The moon bog, H.P. Lovecraft)
El patrón de hierro (The iron standard, Henry Kuttner y C.L. Moore)
El péndulo (The pendulum, O. Henry)
El pequeño cuarto (The little room, Madeline Yale Wynne)
El pescador del Cabo del Halcón (The fisherman of Falcon Point, H.P. Lovecraft: Derleth)
El planeta de los muertos (The planet of the dead, Clark Ashton Smith)
El pozo y el péndulo (The pit and the pendulum, Edgar Allan Poe)
El que abre el camino (The Opener of the Way, Robert Bloch)
El que cierra el camino (The Closer of the Way, Robert Bloch)
El que pisa el polvo (The treader of the dust, Clark Ashton Smith)
El que susurra en la oscuridad (The Whisperer in Darkness, H.P. Lovecraft)
El regalo de los reyes magos (The gift of the Magi, O. Henry)
El Reino de las Sombras (The Shadow Kingdom, Robert E. Howard)
El relato de Satampra Zeiros (The Tale of Satampra Zeiros, Clark Ashton Smith)
El reloj que marchaba hacia atrás (The clock that went backward, Edward Page Mitchell)
El reparador de reputaciones (The repairer of reputations, Robert W. Chambers)
El retorno del brujo (The return of the sorcerer, Clark Ashton Smith)
El retrato de Edward Randolph (Edward Randolph's Portrait, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El retrato oval (The oval portrait, Edgar Allan Poe)
El rey de las bestias (The King of the Beasts, Philip José Farmer)
El rey Peste (King pest, Edgar Allan Poe)
El robot vanidoso (The proud robot, Henry Kuttner)
El sabueso (The hound, H.P. Lovecraft)
El sacerdote (The priest, William Faulkner)
El sátiro (The satyr, Clark Ashton Smith)
El sello de R'lyeh (The seal of R'lyeh, August Derleth)
El ser bajo la luna (The thing in the moonlight, H.P. Lovecraft)
El ser en el umbral (The thing on the doorstep, H.P. Lovecraft)
El signo amarillo (The yelloe sign, R.W. Chambers)
El sobreviviente (The survivor, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
El solicitante (The applicant, Ambrose Bierce)
El sueño (The dream, O Henry)
El tapiz amarillo (The yellow wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman)
El tejedor de la tumba (The weaver in the vault, Clark Ashton Smith)
El templo (The temple, H.P. Lovecraft)
El Twonky (The Twonky, Henry Kuttner y C.L. Moore)
El último encantamiento (The last incantation, Clark Ashton Smith)
El último hombre (The last man, Seabury Quinn)
El valle de las arañas (The valley of spiders, H.G. Wells)
El valle de los dioses (The valley of the gods, Edmond Hamilton)
El vampiro estelar (The shambler from the stars, Robert Bloch)
El velo negro del pastor (The minister's black veil, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
El verdugo eléctrico (The Electric Executioner, H.P. Lovecraft, Adolphe Castro)
El viaje del rey Euvoran (The voyage of king Euvoran, Clark Ashton Smith)
El viejo Bugs (Old Bugs, H.P. Lovecraft)
El visitante del cementerio (The haunter of the graveyard, Vernon Shea)
El viudo Turmore (The widower Turmore, Ambrose Bierce)
En el bosque de Villefère (In the Forest of Villefère, Robert E. Howard)
En la corte del Dragón (In the court of the Dragon, Robert W. Chambers)
En la cripta (The crypt, H.P. Lovecraft)
En los muros de Erix (In the walls of Eryx, H.P. Lovecraft: Sterling)
Estatuas de la noche (The Memnons of the night, Clark Ashton Smith)
Ethan Brand (Ethan Brand, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Exilio (Exile, Edmond Hamilton)
Ex oblivione (Ex oblivione, H.P. Lovecraft)
Feathertop (Feathertop, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Fingida era la arboleda (Mimsy Were the Borogoves, Henry Kuttner, C.L. Moore)
Fishhead (Fishhead, Irvin S. Cobb)
Genius Loci (Genius Loci, Clark Ashton Smith)
¡Guardamos el planeta negro! (We guard the black planet!, Henry Kuttner)
Guerra fría (Cold war, Henry Kuttner)
Gusanos de la Tierra (Worms of the Earth, Robert E. Howard)
Habitante de Carcosa (An Inhabittant of Carcosa, Ambrose Bierce)
Hasta en los mares (Till a' the seas, H.P. Lovecraft, H. Barlow)
Herbert West: Reanimador (Herbert West: Reanimator, H.P. Lovecraft)
Hipnos (Hypnos, H.P. Lovecraft)
Historia de una hora (The story of an hour, Kate Chopin)
Holocausto de la Tierra (Earth's holocaust, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Hop Frog (Hop Frog, Edgar Allan Poe)
Horror en el cementerio (The Horror in the Burying-Ground, Hazel Heald, H.P. Lovecraft)
Horror en el museo (The horror in the museum, H.P. Lovecraft: Hazel Heald)
Hubo una vez un Gnomo (A Gnome there was, Henry Kuttner y C.L. Moore)
Incidente en el Puente de Owl Creek (An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Ambrose Bierce)
Involución (Involution, Edmond Hamilton)
Ithaqua (Ithaqua, August Derleth)
Jirel de Joiry (Jirel of Joiry, Catherine L. Moore)
Junto a las aguas del Paraíso (By the waters of Paradise, F. Marion Crawford)
Kerfol (Kerfol, Edith Wharton)
Kidd, el pirata (Kidd, the pirate, Washington Irving)
La antigua raza (The Very Old Folk, H.P. Lovecraft)
La aureola equivocada (The misguided halo, Henry Kuttner)
La Barquera (Passeur, Robert W. Chambers)
La batalla que dio fin al siglo (The Battle That Ended the Century)
La bestia en la cueva (The beast in the cave, H.P. Lovecraft)
La bestia en la jungla (The beast in the jungle, Henry James)
La búsqueda de Iranon (The quest of Iranon, H.P. Lovecraft)
La cabaña de Landor (Landor's Cottage, Edgar Allan Poe)
La caída de la casa Usher (The fall of the house of Usher, Edgar Allan Poe)
La Caja Oblonga (The oblong box, Edgar Allan Poe)
La calle (The street, H.P. Lovecraft)
La campanilla de la doncella (The Lady's Maid's Bell, Edith Wharton)
La capa (The cloak, Robert Bloch)
La calavera que gritaba (The screaming skull, Francis Marion Crawford)
La carta robada (The Purloined Letter, Edgar Allan Poe)
La casa de Haon-Dor (The House of Haon-Dor, Clark Ashton Smith)
La casa de los siete tejados (The house of the seven gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La casa maldita (The shunned house, H.P. Lovecraft)
La Catástrofe del Señor Higginbotham (Mr. Higginbotham's catastrophe, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La cita (The assignation, Edgar Allan Poe)
La ciudadela escarlata (The Scarlet Citadel, Robert E. Howard)
La ciudad sin nombre (The nameless city, H.P. Lovecraft)
La colección de un virtuoso (A virtuoso's collection, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La condesa Valeria (Countess Valerie, Gore Vidal)
La conversación de Eiros y Charmion (The conversation of Eiros and Charmion, Edgar Allan Poe)
La correspondencia de P. (P.'s correspondence, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La Cosa en el tejado (The Thing on the Roof, Robert E. Howard)
La cosa maldita (The damned thing, Ambrose Bierce)
La demoiselle d'ys (La demoiselle d'ys, Robert Chambers)
La declaración de Randolph Carter (The statement of Randolph Carter, H.P. Lovecraft)
La desolación de Soom (The desolation of Soom, Clark Ashton Smith)
La edad madura (The middle years, Henry James)
La estirpe sin nombre (The nameless offspring, Clark Ashton Smith)
La exhumación (The Disinterment, Duane W. Rimel; H.P. Lovecraft)
La flor del membrillo (Flower o' the quince, Henry Harland)
La gran noche (The big night, Henry Kuttner)
La habitación cerrada (The shuttered room, H.P. Lovecraft - Augus Derleth)
La hechicera de Sylaire (The enchantress of Sylaire, Clark Ashton Smith)
La hechicería de Aphlar (The Sorcery of Aphlar, Duane W. Rimel; H.P. Lovecraft)
La Hermandad Oscura (The Dark Brotherhood, Lovecraft-Derleth)
La hija de Rappaccini (Rappaccini's daughter, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La hoguera (To build a fire, Jack London)
La hoya de las brujas (Witches' hollow, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
La invasión sin paralelo (The unparalleled invasion, Jack London)
La invocación de Alice Doane (Alice Doane's appeal, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La isla que no estaba en los mapas (The uncharted isle, Clark Ashton Smith)
La jarra de sirope (A jug of syrup, Ambrose Bierce)
La lámpara (The lamp, L. Sprague de Camp)
La lámpara de Alhazred (The lamp of Alhazred, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
La letra escarlata (The scarlett letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La ley de la vida (The law of life, Jack London)
La leyenda de ciertas ropas antiguas (The romance of certain old clothes, Henry James)
La leyenda del astrólogo árabe (The legend of the arabian astrologer, Washington Irving)
La leyenda del soldado encantado (The legend of the enchanted soldier, Washington Irving)
La leyenda de Sleepy Hollow (The leyend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving)
La llamada de Cthulhu (The call of Cthulhu, H.P. Lovecraft)
La llave del dolor (The key to grief, Robert W. Chambers)
La llave de plata (The silver key, H.P. Lovecraft)
La llegada del gusano blanco (The Coming of the White Worm, Clark Ashton Smith)
La lotería (The Lottery, Shirley Jackson)
La maldición de Yig (The curse of Yig, H.P. Lovecraft - Zealia Bishop)
La maldición que cayó sobre Sarnath (The Doom that came to Sarnath, H.P. Lovecraft)
La máquina ambidiestra (Two-handed engine, Henry Kuttner y C.L. Moore)
La marca de nacimiento (The birth mark, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La marcha de Afrodita (The passing of Aphrodite, Clark Ashton Smith)
La máscara (The mask, Robert Chambers)
La máscara de la muerte roja (The masque of the red death ,Edgar Allan Poe)
La muerte de Halpin Frayser (The death of Halpin Frayser, Ambrose Bierce)
La muerte de Ilalotha (The death of Ilalotha, Clark Ashton Smith)
La muerte y la condesa (The Dead and the Countess, Gertrude Atherton)
La mujer del bosque (The woman of the wood, Abraham Merrit)
La musa de Hiperbórea (The muse of Hyperborea, Clark Ashton Smith)
La música de Erich Zann (The music of Erich Zann, H.P. Lovecraft)
La nave blanca (The white ship, Howard Phillip Lovecraft)
La nieve a la deriva (The drifting snow, August Derleth)
La noche de la iguana (The Night of the Iguana, Tennessee Williams)
La noche del océano (The night ocean, R.H. Barlow - H.P. Lovecraft)
La novia del espectro (The spectre bride, Washington Irving)
La orden (The command, L. Sprague de Camp)
La orilla triste (The bleak shore, Fritz Leiber)
La pálida esposa de Toussel (Toussel's pale bride, William Seabrook)
La partida de ajedrez (Moxon's master, Ambrose Bierce)
La piedra negra (The black stone, Robert E. Howard)
La poesía y los dioses (Poetry and the Gods, H.P. Lovecraft, Anna Helen Crofts)
La pradera verde (The green meadow, H.P. Lovecraft. Winifred Jackson)
La puerta de Saturno (The Door to Saturn, Clark Ashton Smith)
La rebelión de los dioses (A Revolt of the Gods, Ambrose Bierce)
La risa del vampiro (The grinning Ghoul, Robert Bloch)
Las abominaciones de Yondo (The abominations of Yondo, Clark Ashton Smith)
La santidad de Azédarac (The Holiness of Azédarac, Clark Ashton Smith)
Las criptas de Yoh-Vombis (The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, Clark Ashton Smith)
Las esposas de los muertos (The wives of the dead, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
La sibila blanca (The white sybil, Clark Ashton Smith)
Las muertes concéntricas (The minions of Midas, Jack London)
Las mujeres-flor (The flower-women, Clark Ashton Smith)
La sombra doble (The double shadow, Clark Ashton Smith)
La sombra en el ático (The shadow in the attic, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
La sombra fuera del espacio (The Shadow out of Space, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
La sombra sobre Innsmouth (The shadow over Innsmouth, H.P. Lovecraft)
Las puertas del infierno (Hell gate, Washington Irving)
Las ratas del cementerio (The graveyard rats, Henry Kuttner)
Las ratas en las paredes (The rats in the walls, H.P. Lovecraft)
Las zarpas del gato (The cat’s claws, Seabury Quinn)
La Taquiporta (The Tachypomp, Edward Page Mitchell)
La tercera persona (The third person, Henry James)
La Torre del Elefante (The Tower of the Elephant, Robert E. Howard)
La trampa (The Trap, H.P. Lovecraft, Henry S. Whitehead)
La transición de Juan Romero (The transition of Juan Romero, H.P. Lovecraft)
La tumba (The tomb, H.P. Lovecraft)
La última canción de Casonetto (Casonetto's Last Song, Robert E. Howard)
La última hoja (The last leaf, O Henry)
La última prueba (The Last Test, H.P. Lovecraft - Adolphe De Castro)
La vampiro española (The spanish vampire, E. Hoffman Price)
La venganza de la bruja (The witch’s vengeance, W.B. Seabrook)
La ventana en la buhardilla (The gable window, H.P. Lovecraft: August Derleth)
La ventana sellada (The boarded window, Ambrose Bierce)
La vida secreta de Walter Mitty (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, James Thurber)
La viejecita de las galletas (The cookie lady, Philip K. Dick)
La voz de la ciudad (The voice of the city, O. Henry)
Ligeia (Ligeia, Edgar Allan Poe)
Lo Innombrable (The Unnamable, H.P. Lovecraft)
Lo que necesita (What you need, Henry Kuttner, C.L. Moore)
Los amados muertos (The loved dead, H.P. Lovecraft-C.M. Eddy)
Los amigos de los amigos (The friends of the friends, Henry James)
Los búhos ululan de día (Owls Hoot in the Daytime, Manly Wade Wellman)
Los caprichos del destino (The shocks of doom, O. Henry)
Los devoradores del espacio (The space eaters, Frank Belknap Long)
Los engendros de Dagón (The spawn of Dagon, Henry Kuttner)
Los espejos de Tuzun Thune (The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune, Robert E. Howard)
Los gatos de Ulthar (The cats of Ulthar, H.P. Lovecraft)
Los habitantes del pozo (The people of the pit, Abraham Merrit)
Los Hijos de la Noche (The Children of the Night, Robert E. Howard)
Los nuevos Adán y Eva (The new Adam and Eve, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Los ojos de la pantera (The eyes of the panther, Ambrose Bierce)
Los otros dioses (The other gods, H.P. Lovecraft)
Los perros de Tindalos (The hounds of Tindalos, Frank Belknap Long)
Los que vigilan fuera del tiempo (The Watchers out of Time, H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth)
Los retratos proféticos (The prophetic pictures, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Los Señores del Más Allá (The Lords of the Great, Seabury Quinn)
Los sueños en la casa de la bruja (The dreams in the witch house, H.P. Lovecraft)
Luella Miller (Luella Miller, Mary Wilkins Freeman)
Manuscrito hallado en una botella (Manuscript found in a bottle, Edgar Allan Poe)
Más allá del muro del sueño (Beyond the wall of sleep, H.P. Lovecraft)
Más allá de los Eones (Out of the Aeons, H.P. Lovecraft-Hazel Heald)
Más allá del umbral (Beyond the threshold, August Derleth)
Maud Evelyn (Maud-Evelyn, Henry James)
Memoria (Memory, H.P. Lovecraft)
Metzengerstein (Metzengerstein, Edgar Allan Poe)
Mi crimen favorito (My favorite murder, Ambrose Bierce)
Morella (Morella, Edgar Allan Poe)
Morthylla (Morthylla, Clark Ashton Smith)
Muerte alada (Winged Death, H.P. Lovecraft, Hazel Heald)
Muerto en Resaca (Killed at Resaca, Ambrose Bierce)
Mutante (Mutant, Henry Kuttner)
Ninguna mujer nacida (No Woman Born, Catherine L. Moore)
No mire ahora (Don't look now, Henry Kuttner)
Paraíso perdido (Lost paradise, Catherine L. Moore)
Parker Adderson, filósofo (Parker Adderson, Philosopher, Ambrose Bierce)
Podemos recordarlo por usted (We Can Remember It for You Wholesale, Philip K. Dick)
Polaris (Polaris, H.P. Lovecraft)
Por la sangre es la vida (For the blood is the life, Francis Marion Crawford)
Problema de alquiler (Housing problem, Henry Kuttner)
Próximas atracciones (Coming attraction, Fritz Leiber)
Requiem (Requiem, Edmond Hamilton)
Revelación mesmérica (Mesmeric revelation, Edgar Allan Poe)
Rip Van Winkle (Rip Van Winkle, Washington Irving)
Sacrificio por amor (A service of love, O. Henry)
Sed negra (Black thirst, Catherine L. Moore)
Shambleau (Shambleau, Catherine. L. Moore)
Silencio (Silence, Edgar Allan Poe)
Sir Edmund Orme (Sir Edmund Orme, Henry James)
Sordo, mudo y ciego (Deaf, dumb and blind, H.P. Lovecraft, C.M. Eddy)
Sueño escarlata (Scarlet dream, C.L. Moore)
Su pequeño y querido fantasma (Their dear little ghost, Elia W. Peattie)
Tierra extraña (Alien Earth, Edmond Hamilton)
Tres líneas de francés antiguo (Three lines of old french, Abraham Merrit)
Ubbo Sathla (Ubbo Sathla, Clark Ashton Smith)
Una agradable velada (A pleasant evening, Robert Chambers)
Una carretera iluminada por la luna (The moonlit road, Ambrose Bierce)
Una conflagración imperfecta (An Imperfect Conflagration, Ambrose Bierce)
Una cruz de siglos (A Cross of Centuries, Henry Kuttner)
Una cuestión de identidad (A question of identity, Robert Bloch)
Una fiesta selecta (A select party, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
Una historia de fantasmas (A ghost-story, Mark Twain)
Una historia de siete demonios (A story of seven devils, Frank R. Stockton)
Una noche de verano (One summer night, Ambrose Bierce)
Una odisea del norte (An odyssey of the north, Jack London)
Una rosa para Emilia (A rose for Emily, William Faulkner)
Una tumba sin fondo (Bottomless grave, Ambrose Bierce)
Un buen hombre es difícil de encontrar (A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Mary Flannery O'Connor)
Un Cuento de las Montañas Escabrosas (A tale of the Ragged Mountains, Edgar Allan Poe)
Un descenso al Maelström (A descent into the Maelström, Edgar Allan Poe)
Un error trágico (A tragedy of error, Henry James)
Un jinete en el cielo (A horseman in the sky, Ambrose Bierce)
Un millar de muertes (A Thousand Deaths, Jack London)
Uno de los desaparecidos (One of the missing, Ambrose Bierce)
Un vagabundo infantil (A baby tramp, Ambrose Bierce)
Visiones de la noche (Visions of the night, Ambrose Bierce)
Von Kempelen y su descubrimiento (Von Kempelen and his Discovery, Edgar Allan Poe)
Vulthoom (Vulthoom, Clark Ashton Smith)
Wakefield (Wakefield, Nathaniel Hawthorne)
William Wilson (William Wilson, Edgar Allan Poe)
Yo, el vampiro (I, The Vampire, Henry Kuttner)
Yvala (Yvala, Catherine L. Moore)
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