Cuentos ingleses de terror
Cuentos ingleses:
Advertencia a los curiosos (A warning to the curious, M.R. James)
Al final del callejón (At the end of the passage, Rudyard Kipling)
Algunas formas de amar (Some ways of love, Charlotte Mew)
Amour Dure (Amour Dure, Vernon Lee - Violet Page)
Amy Foster (Amy Foster, Joseph Conrad)
Antiguas brujerías (Ancient sorceries, Algernon Blackwood)
Bagnell Terrace (Bagnell Terrace, E.F. Benson)
Bárbara de la casa de Grebe (Barbara of the house of Grebe, Thomas Hardy)
Bethmoora (Bethmoora, Lord Dunsany)
Blagdaross (Blagdaross, Lord Dunsany)
Calor de agosto (August heat, William F. Harvey)
Carcasona (Carcasona, Lord Dunsany)
Caronte (Caronte, Lord Dunsany)
Chu-bu y Sheemish (Chu-bu and Sheemish, Lord Dunsany)
Ciudad de la noche pavorosa (City of dreadful night, Rudyard Kipling)
Como desapareció el miedo de la galería alargada (How fear departed from the long gallery, E.F. Benson)
Cómo él abandonó el hotel (How he left the hotel, Louisa Baldwin)
Complicidad previa al hecho (Accessory before the fact, Algernon Blackwood)
Confesión (Confession, Algernon Blackwood)
Confesión encontrada en una prisión de la época de Carlos segundo (A confession found in a prison in the time of Charles the second, Charles Dickens)
Corazones perdidos (Lost hearts, M.R. James)
Cuando anochece en el parque (After dark in the playing fields, M.R. James)
Culto secreto (Secret worship, Algernon Blackwood)
De cómo llegó el enemigo a Thulnrana (How the enemy came to Thlunrana, Lord Dunsany)
De cómo Nuth habría practicado su arte contra los Gnolos (How Nuth would have practised his art upon the Gnoles, Lord Dunsany)
De cómo Plash-Goo llegó al País que Nadie Desea (How Plash-Goo came to the Land of None's Desire, Lord Dunsany)
De Mortuis (De Mortuis, John Collier)
Desde el mar sin mareas (From the tideless sea, William Hope Hodgson)
Días de ocio en el Yann (Idle days on the Yann, Lord Dunsany)
Donde suben y bajan las mareas (Where the tides ebb and flow, Lord Dunsany)
Dos bagatelas (Two Trifles, Oliver Onions)
Dos médicos (Two doctors, M.R. James)
El abrazo frío (The cold embrace, Mary Elizabeth Braddon)
El ahorcamiento de Alfred Wadham (The hanging of Alfred Wadham, E.F. Benson)
El alma de Laploshka (The soul of Laploshka, Saki)
El alma del guerrero (The warrior's soul, Joseph Conrad)
El anarquista (The anarchist, Joseph Conrad)
El anticipador (The anticipator, Morley Roberts)
El barón de Grogzwig (The baron of Grogzwig, Charles Dickens)
El bisara del Pooree (The bisara of Pooree, Rudyard Kipling)
El botín de Bombasharna (The loot of Bombasharna, Lord Dunsany)
El brazo marchito (The Withered Arm, Thomas Hardy)
El buque fantasma (Phantas, Oliver Onions)
El caballo de lo invisible (The horse of the invisible, William Hope Hodgson)
El campamento del perro (The camp of the dog, Algernon Blackwood)
El campo (The field, Lord Dunsany)
El carro fantasma (The phantom rickshaw, Rudyard Kipling)
El cercado de Martin (Martin's close, M.R. James)
El cerdo (The hog, William Hope Hodgson)
El conde Magnus (Cont Magnus, M.R. James)
El conductor de autobús (The bus conductor, E.F. Benson)
El cuarteto de cuerda (The string quartet, Virginia Woolf)
El cuento de la vieja niñera (The old nurse’s story, Elizabeth Gaskell)
El cuento del padre Meuron (Father meuron's tale, R.H Benson)
El cuento más hermoso del mundo (The finest story in the world, Rudyard Kipling)
El cuerno del horror (The horn of horror, E.F. Benson)
El cuerpo infeliz (The unhappy body, Lord Dunsany)
El descubrimiento (The find, William Hope Hodgson)
El destino de madame Cabanel (The Fate of Madame Cabanel, Eliza Lynn Linton)
El diablo y el mar profundo (The devil and the deep sea, Rudyard Kipling)
El diablo y el relojero (The devil and the watchmaker, Daniel Defoe)
El diario del señor Poynter (The diary of Mr. Poynter, M.R. James)
El fantasma de Gideon Wise (The ghost of Gideon Wise, G.K. Chesterton)
El embrujamiento del Jarvee (The haunted Jarvee, William Hope Hodgson)
El espectro y el salteador de caminos (The specter and the highwayman, Daniel Defoe)
El estatuto de las limitaciones (The statute of limitations, Ernest Dowson)
El fantasma acusador (A ghostly accuser, Daniel Defoe)
El fantasma del mayor Sydenham (The ghost of major Sydenham, Joseph Glanvill)
El fantasma de Marley (Marley's ghost, Charles Dickens)
El fantasma inexperto (The inexperienced ghost, H.G. Wells)
El foco (The searchlight, Virginia Woolf)
El fresno (The ash tree, M.R. James)
El fumador de pipa (The pipe-smoker, Martin Armstrong)
El gato maltés (The maltese cat, Rudyard Kipling)
El grabado (The mezzotint, M.R. James)
El guardavías (The signal man, Charles Dickens)
El hombre al que amaban los árboles (The man whom the trees loved, Algernon Blackwood)
El hombre con dedos de cobre (The man with copper fingers, Dorothy L. Sayers)
El hombre del haschisch (The hashish man, Lord Dunsany)
El horror de las alturas (The Horror of the Heights, Arthur Conan Doyle)
El huracán (The hurricane, Lord Dunsany)
Elinor (Elinor, Charlotte Mew)
El insólito libro de oraciones (The uncommon prayer-book, M.R. James)
El investigador de la casa apartada (The searcher of the end house, William Hope Hodgson)
El jardinero (The gardener, E.F. Benson)
El jardinero (The gardener, Rudyard Kipling)
El libro del cánon Alberico (Canon Alberic's scrapbook, M.R. James)
Ellos (They, Rudyard Kipling)
El maleficio de las runas (Casting the runes, M.R. James)
El maletín (The kit-bag, Algernon Blackwood)
El manuscrito de un loco (A madman's manuscript, Charles Dickens)
El misántropo (The misanthrope, J.D. Beresford)
El misterio de la campiña (A Mystery of the Campagna, Anne Crawford)
El mortal inmortal (The mortal inmortal, Mary Shelley)
El ocupante de la habitación (Occupant of the room, Algernon Blackwood)
El país de los ciegos (The country of the blind, H.G. Wells)
El paseo hacia Lingham (The walk to Lingham, Lord Dunsany)
El pobre viejo Bill (Poor old Bill, Lord Dunsany)
El Pozo de las Lamentaciones (Wailing well, M.R. James)
El regreso al hogar del Shamraken (The Shamraken Homeward-Bounder, William Hope Hodgson)
El relato de la familia de Guzmán (Tale of Guzman's Family, Charles Maturin)
El Remolino (The Whirlpool, Lord Dunsany)
El retorno de Imray (The return of Imray, Rudyard Kipling)
El rostro (The face, E.F. Benson)
El sacrificio (The sacrifice, Algernon Blackwood)
El santuario (The sanctuary, E.F. Benson)
El Señor de las ciudades (The Lord of the cities, Lord Dunsany)
El señor Humphreys y su herencia (Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance, M.R. James)
El signo (The sign, Lord Dunsany)
El sueño (The dream, Mary Shelley)
El sueño del rey karna-Vootra (The dream of king Karna-Vootra, Lord Dunsany)
El tatuaje (The background, Saki)
El terror nocturno (The terror by night, E.F. Benson)
El tesoro del Abad Thomas (The treasure of abbot Thomas, M.R. James)
El tratado Middoth (The tractate Middoth, M.R. James)
El valle perdido (The lost valley, Algernon Blackwood)
El vampiro (The vampire, John Stagg)
El vampiro (The vampire, John William Polidori)
El vampiro de Kaldenstein (The vampire of Kaldenstein, Frederick Cowles)
El velo negro (The black veil, Charles Dickens)
El vengador de Perdonaris (The avenger of Perdonaris, Lord Dunsany)
El Wendigo (The wendigo, Algernon Blackwood)
En el camino de Brighton (On the Brighton road, Richard Middleton)
En el crepúsculo (In the twilight, Lord Dunsany)
En el metro (In the tube, E.F. Benson)
En la tumba de Abdul Ali (At Abdul Ali's grave, E.F. Benson)
Entretenimiento de una velada (An evening's entertainment, M.R. James)
En Zaccarath (In Zaccarath, Lord Dunsany)
Erlathdronion (Erlathdronion, Lord Dunsany)
Escapar por los pelos (A narrow scape, Lord Dunsany)
Et in Sempiternum Pereant (Et in Sempiternum Pereant, Charles Williams)
Fausto (Faust, Christopher Marlowe)
Gabriel Ernesto (Gabriel-Ernest, Saki)
Georgie Porgie (Georgie Porgie, Rudyard Kipling)
Había un hombre que vivía junto al cementerio (There was a man dwelt by a churchyard, M.R. James)
Historia de duendes (The story of the goblins who stole a sexton, Charles Dickens)
Historia de una desaparición y una aparición (The story of a disappearance and an appearance, M.R. James)
Juicio por asesinato (The trial for murder, Charles Dickens)
Juntos y separados (Together and apart, Virginia Woolf)
La angustiosa historia de Thangobrind (The distressing tale of Thangobrind, Lord Dunsany)
La bestia (The brute, Joseph Conrad)
La boda de John Charrington (John Charrington's wedding, Edith Nesbit)
La buena Lady Ducayne (Good Lady Ducayne, Mary Elizabeth Braddon)
La cabeza del distrito (The head of the district, Rudyard Kipling)
La caída de Babbulkund (The fall of Babbulkund, Lord Dunsany)
La cama junto a la ventana (The bed by the window, E.F. Benson)
La casa Clopton (The Clopton house, Elizabeth Gaskell)
La casa de Camden Hill (The house of Camden hill, Catherine Crowe)
La casa de la esquina (The corner house, E.F. Benson)
La casa de los espíritus (The haunted and the haunters or the house and the brain, Edward Bulwer Lytton)
La casa de los deseos (The wish house, Rudyard Kilping)
La casa del pasado (The house of the past, Algernon Blackwood)
La casa de muñecas (The haunted dolls' house, M.R. James)
La casa encantada (The haunted house, Charles Dickens)
La casa entre los laureles (The house among the laurels, William Hope Hodgson)
La casa vacía (The Empty House, Algernon Blackwood)
La ciudad ociosa (The idle city, Lord Dunsany)
La condenación de La Traviata (The doom of La Traviata, Lord Dunsany)
La confesión de Charles Linkworth (The confession of Charles Linkworth, E.F. Benson)
La coronación de Thomas Shap (The coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap, Lord Dunsany)
La cosa invisible (The thing invisible, William Hope Hodgson)
La cripta de la catedral (The Cathedral Crypt, John Wyndham)
La dama de la Granja Glenwith (The Lady of Glenwith Grange, Wilkie Collins)
La dama del sueño (Blow up with the brig, a sailor's story, Wilkie Collins)
La dama en el espejo: un reflejo (The lady in the looking-glass: a reflection, Virginia Woolf)
La demanda de las lágrimas de la reina (The quest of the queen's tears, Lord Dunsany)
La duquesa y el joyero (The duchess and the jeweller, Virginia Woolf)
La entrada del monstruo (The gateway of the monster, William Hope Hodgson)
La espada de Welleran (The sword of Welleran, Lord Dunsany)
La espada y el ídolo (The sword and the idol, Lord Dunsany)
La extraña cabalgata de Morrowbie Jukes (The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes, Rudyard Kipling)
La floración de la extraña orquídea (The flowering of the strange orchid, H.G. Wells)
La fortaleza invencible, salvo para Sacnoth (The fortress unvanquishable, save for Sacnoth, Lord Dunsany)
La gata (The cat, E.F. Benson)
La granja Croglin (Croglin grange, Augustus Hare)
La habitación de la torre (The room in the tower, E.F. Benson)
La habitación oscura (The Dark Room, Tennessee Williams)
La habitación que silbaba (The whistling room, William Hope Hodgson)
La hija de Ramsés (A daughter of Rameses, Lord Dunsany)
La historia de un hombre supersticioso (The superstitious man's story, Thomas Hardy)
Los idiotas (The idiots, Joseph Conrad)
La legión perdida (The lost legion, Rudyard Kipling)
La Loba (The She Wolf, H.H. Munro)
La locura de Andelsprutz (The madness of Andelsprutz, Lord Dunsany)
La Locura de Jones: un estudio sobre la reencarnación (The Insanity of Jones: A Study in Reincarnation, Algernon Blackwood)
La mancha en la pared (The mark on the wall, Virginia Woolf)
La mano muerta (The dead hand, Wilkie Collins)
La marca de la bestia (The mark of the beast, Rudyard Kipling)
La Muerte y Odiseo (Death and Odysseus, Lord Dunsany)
La mujer loba (The werewolf of the Hartz mountains, Frederick Marryat)
La mujer que se fue a caballo (The woman who rode away, D.H. Lawrence)
La música en la colina (The music on the hill, Saki)
La nave abandonada (The derelict, William Hope Hodgson)
La nave de piedra (The stone ship, William Hope Hodgson)
La nave que se encontró a si misma (The ship that found herself, Rudyard Kipling)
La Némesis de fuego (The Nemesis of fire, Algernon Blackwood)
La novia del ahorcado (The hanged man's bride, Charles Dickens)
La novia del espectro (The spectre bride, William Harrison Ainsworth)
La novia del Hombre Caballo (The bride of the Man-Horse, Lord Dunsany)
La pata del mono (The monkey's paw, W.W. Jacobs)
La posada de las dos brujas (The inn of the two witches, Joseph Conrad)
La prueba de amor (The trivial of love, Mary Shelley)
La puerta en el muro (The door in the wall, H.G. Wells)
La residencia de Whitminster (The residence at Whitminster, M.R. James)
La rosaleda (The rose garden, M.R. James)
La senda (The trod, Algernon Blackwood)
Las señales de la propiedad vecina (A neighbour's landmark, M.R. James)
La silla de ruedas (The bath-chair, E.F. Benson)
La telaraña (The cobweb, Saki)
La tienda de los fantasmas (The shop of the ghosts, G.K. Chesterton)
La torre de Babel (The tower of Babel, G.K. Chesterton)
La transferencia (The transfer, Algernon Blackwood)
La transformación (The transformation, Mary Shelley)
La tumba de la encrucijada (The Grave By The Handpost, Thomas Hardy)
La tumba de sus ancestros (The tomb of his ancestors, Rudyard Kipling)
Laura (Laura, Saki)
La ventana abierta (The open window, H.H. Munro -Saki-)
La viña de Naboth (Naboth's vineyard, E.F. Benson)
Los fantasmas (The phantoms, Lord Dunsany)
Los habitantes de la Isleta Middle (The habitants of Middle Islet, William Hope Hodgson)
Los lobos de Cernogratz (The wolves of Cernogratz, H.H. Munro -Saki-)
Los mendigos (The beggars, Lord Dunsany)
Los parientes de los elfos (The kit of the elf folk, Lord Dunsany)
Los salteadores de caminos (The highwaymen, Lord Dunsany)
Los sauces (The willows, Algernon Blackwood)
La señorita Cubbidge y el dragón del romance (Miss Cubbidge and the dragon of romance, Lord Dunsany)
Los sitiales de la catedral de Barchester (The stalls of Barchester cathedral, M.R. James)
Los tres desconocidos (The three strangers, Thomas Hardy)
Luces antiguas (Ancient lights, Algernon Blackwood)
Lunes o martes (Monday or thuesday, Virginia Woolf)
Manteniendo una promesa (Keeping his promise, Algernon Blackwood)
Maurice, o la cabaña del pescador (Maurice, or the fisher's cot, Mary Shelley)
Mi domingo en casa (My sunday at home, Rudyard Kipling)
Mi verdadera historia de fantasmas (My own true ghost story, Rudyard Kipling)
Monos (Monkeys, E.F. Benson)
Napoleón y el espectro (Napoleon and the Spectre, Charlotte Brontë)
Negotium Perambulans (Negotium perambulans, E.F. Benson)
Nuestros primos lejanos (Our distant cousins, Lord Dunsany)
Número trece (Number thirteen, M.R. James)
Olalla (Olalla, Robert Stevenson)
Orugas (Caterpillars, E.F. Benson)
Panorama desde la colina (A view from the hill, M.R. James)
Para leer al atardecer (To be read at dusk, Charles Dickens)
Piratas (Pirates, E.F. Benson)
Poltarnees, la que mira al mar (Poltarnees, beholder of ocean, Lord Dunsany)
Por la tierra seca (On the dry land, Lord Dunsany)
Probable aventura de tres hombres de letras (Probable adventure of the three literary men, Lord Dunsany)
Puedes telefonear desde aquí (You May Telephone From Here, Algernon Blackwood)
Ratas (Rats, M.R. James)
Reconciliación (Reconciliation, E.F. Benson)
Relatos que he intentado escribir (Stories I have tried to write, M.R. James)
Rikki-tikki-tavi (Rikki-tikki-tavi, Rudyard Kipling)
Roger Dodsworth, el inglés reanimado (Roger Dodsworth, the reanimated englishman, Mary Shelley)
Señora Amworth (Mrs Amworth, E.F. Benson)
Silba y acudiré (Oh, whistle and I'll come to you, my lad, M.R. James)
Solo entre inmortales (Alone in inmortals, Lord Dunsany)
Transición (Transition, Algernon Blackwood)
Una historia de mar y tierra (A story of land and sea, Lord Dunsany)
Una historia escolar (A school story, M.R. James)
Una historia extraña (A Strange Story, Edward Bulwer-Lytton)
Una invasión psíquica (A psychical invasion, Algernon Blackwood)
Un asunto de otro tiempo (A long ago affair, John Galsworthy)
Una tienda en Go-By Street (A shop in Go-by Street, Lord Dunsany)
Una víctima del espacio superior (A victim of higher space, Algernon Blackwood)
Una voz en la noche (The voice in the night, William Hope Hodgson)
Un cuento sobre una casa vacía (A tale of an empty house, E.F. Benson)
Un día en el confín del mundo (A day at the edge of the world, Lord Dunsany)
Un episodio de la historia de una catedral (An episode of cathedral history, M.R. James)
Un error en la cuarta dimension (An error in the fourth dimension, Rudyard Kipling)
Un fantasma provechoso (A profitable ghost, Daniel Defoe)
Un horror tropical (A tropical horror, William Hope Hodgson)
Un miembro del comité del Terror (A Committee-Man of The Terror, Thomas Hardy)
Un misterio oriental (A mystery of the east, Lord Dunsany)
Un Sueño de Armageddon (A Dream of Armageddon, H.G. Wells)
Y ningún pájaro canta (And no birds sing, E.F. Benson)
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