Relatos de vampiros del siglo XX

Relatos de vampiros del siglo XX.

La doncella vampiro (The Vampire Maid, Hume Nesbit)

Vampiro (Vampiro, Emilia Bazán)

El conde Magnus (Count Magnus, M.R. James)
Luella Miller (Luella Miller, Mary Wilkins Freeman)

Pues la sangre es la vida (For the Blood is the Life, Francis Marion Crawford)

Amina (Amina, Edward Lucas White)
Lázaro (Lazarus, Leónidas Andreiev)

La araña (Die Spinne, Hanns Heinz Ewers)

La larva (La larva, Rubén Darío)

El almohadón de plumas (El almohadón de plumas, Horacio Quiroga)
El espectro (El espectro, Horacio Quiroga)
El vampiro (El vampiro, Horacio Quiroga)

La casa embrujada (The Haunted House, Edith Nesbit)

El Ghoul (The Ghoul, Evangeline Wilbour Blashfield)
La habitación en la torre (The Room in the Tower, E.F. Benson)
La transferencia (The Transfer, Algernon Blackwood)

Aylmer Vance y la vampiresa (Aylmer Vance and the Vampire, Alice y Claude Askew)
El huésped de Drácula (Dracula's Guest, Bram Stoker)

La visita de J.H. Obereit a las sanguijuelas del tiempo (J.H. Obereits besuch bei den zeitegeln, Gustav Meyrink)

El Ghoul (The Ghoul, Hugh Clifford)

Un episodio de la historia de una catedral (An Episode of Cathedral History, M.R. James)

La tía de Seaton (Seaton's Aunt, Walter de la Mare)
Un ojo de vidrio: Memorias de un esqueleto (Un ollo de vidrio. Memorias dun esquelete, Alfonso Castelao)

Señora Amworth (Mrs. Amworth, E.F. Benson)
Negotium Perambulans (Negotium Perambulans, E.F. Benson)

El Íncubo (The Incubus, Hamilton Craigie)
El rostro (The Face, E.F. Benson)
La casa maldita (The Shunned House, H.P. Lovecraft)

El Campanario del Murciélago (Bat's Belfry, August Derleth)
El extraño (The Outsider, H.P. Lovecraft)
La extraña casa en la niebla (The Strange High House in the Mist, H.P. Lovecraft)
Señora Lunt (Mrs. Lunt, Hugh Walpole)

El canal (The Canal, Everil Worrell)
Las aventuras del vampiro de Sussex (The Adventures of the Sussex Vampire, Arthur Conan Doyle)

Almas en pena (Restless Souls, Seabury Quinn)
Los devoradores del espacio (The Space Eaters, Frank Belknap Long)
Y ningún pajaro canta (And No Birds Sing, E.F. Benson)

El final de la historia (The End of the Story, Clark Ashton Smith)
El Monstruo del Pensamiento (The Thought-Monster, Amelia Reynolds Long)

Cita en Averoigne (A rendezvous in Averoigne, Clark Ashton Smith)
El castillo oscuro (The Dark Castle, Marion Brandon)
El Circo de Satanás (Satan's Circus, Lady Eleanor Smith)
El no muerto (The Undead, Amelia Reynolds Long)

El horror del montículo (The Horror from the Mound, Robert E. Howard)
La galería del Ghoul (The Ghoul Gallery, Hugh B. Cave)
Las criptas de Yoh-Vombis (The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, Clark Ashton Smith)

El Episodio Chadbourne (The Chadbourne Episode, Henry S. Whitehead)
El secreto en la tumba (The Secret in the Tomb, Robert Bloch)
El ser en el umbral (The Thing on the Doorstep, H.P. Lovecraft)
El viaje del rey Euvoran (The Voyage of King Euvoran, Clark Ashton Smith)
La Dama de Gris (The Lady in Gray, Donald Wandrei)
Los Vampiros de Fuego (The Fire Vampires, Donald Wandrei)
Nellie Foster (Nellie Foster, August Derleth)
Revelaciones en negro (Revelations in Black, Carl Jacobi)
Shambleau (Shambleau, Catherine. L. Moore)

El dios de los muertos (The Charnel God, Clark Ashton Smith)
El fruto de la tumba (The Tomb-Spawn, Clark Ashton Smith)
El Ghoul (The Ghoul, Clark Ashton Smith)
El tejedor de la tumba (The Weaver in the Vault, Clark Ashton Smith)
Sed negra (Black Thirst, Catherine L. Moore)
Sueño escarlata (Scarlet Dream, C.L. Moore)

El ídolo oscuro (The Dark Eidolon, Clark Ashton Smith)
El vampiro estelar (The Shambler from the Stars, Robert Bloch)

El secreto de Kralitz (The Secret of Kralitz, Henry Kuttner)
Eso camina de noche (It Walks by Night, Henry Kuttner)
La cosa que cenaba muerte (The Thing That Dined on Death, John H. Knox)
La maldición de la Casa Duryea (Doom of the House of Duryea, Earl Peirce, Jr.)
La máscara de satén (The Satin Mask, August Derleth)
La presa de los nocturnos (Prey of the Nightborn, Hugh B. Cave)
La risa del vampiro (The Grinning Ghoul, Robert Bloch)
Los moradores debajo de las tumbas (The Dwellers Under the Tombs, Robert E. Howard)
Paraíso perdido (Lost Paradise, Catherine L. Moore)
Regreso a la muerte (Return to Death, J. Wesley Rosenquest)
Yvala (Yvala, Catherine L. Moore)

Escuela para los innombrables (School for the Unspeakable, Manly Wade Wellman)
La muerte de Ilalotha (The Death of Ilalotha, Clark Ashton Smith)

El secreto en la cripta (The Secret of the Vault, J. Wesley Rosenquest)
El vampiro de Kaldenstein (The Vampire of Kaldenstein, Frederick Cowles)

Bien abajo (Far Below, Robert Barbour Johnson)
Cruz de fuego (Cross of Fire, Lester del Rey)
El ataúd de plata (The Silver Coffin, Robert Barbour Johnson)
El extraño viaje de Richard Clayton (The Strange Flight of Richard Clayton, Robert Bloch)
La capa (The Cloak, Robert Bloch)
La nieve a la deriva (The Drifting Snow, August Derleth)
La vampiro española (The Spanish Vampire, E. Hoffman Price)
Una cuestión de identidad (A Question of Identity, Robert Bloch)
Y no del todo humano (And Not Quite Human, Joe L. Hensley)

Cuando había claro de luna (When it was Moonlight, Manly Wade Wellman)
Sangre para la vampira muerta (Blood for the Vampire Dead, Robert Leslie Bellem)

Al otro lado del río (Over the River, P. Schuyler Miller)
El Horror del Cementerio (The Graveyard Horror, Thorp McClusky)
La hechicera de Sylaire (The Enchantress of Sylaire, Clark Ashton Smith)

Del diablo nadie se burla (The Devil Is Not Mocked, Manly Wade Wellman)
Muerden (They Bite, Anthony Boucher)

El murciélago es mi hermano (The Bat Is My Brother, Robert Bloch)

El Bogey Man te atrapará (The Bogey Man Will Get You, Robert Bloch)
El valle de los dioses (The Valley of the Gods, Edmond Hamilton)
La viajera (The Traveller, Ray Bradbury)

Claro de luna (Clair de Lune, Seabury Quinn)
El hombre del piso de arriba (The Man Upstairs, Ray Bradbury)
El ocupante de la cripta (The Occupant of the Crypt, August Derleth)

El ángulo humano (The Human Angle, William Tenn)
El osito de peluche del profesor (The Professor's Teddy-Bear, Theodore Sturgeon)
Genius Loci (Genius Loci, Clark Ashton Smith)
Los No-Muertos mueren (The Undead Die, E. Everett Evans y Ray Bradbury)

El antimacasar (The Antimacassar, Greye La Spina)
La chica de los ojos hambrientos (The Girl with the Hungry Eyes, Fritz Leiber)

El Gusano Mental (The Mindworm, C.M. Kornbluth)
La condesa Valeria (Countess Valerie, Gore Vidal)

Bebe mi sangre (Drink My Red Blood, Richard Matheson)

Tierras de sangre (Blood Lands, Alfred Coppel)

Lugar de encuentro (Place of Meeting, Charles Beaumont)
Morthylla (Morthylla, Clark Ashton Smith)
Yo, el vampiro (I, The Vampire, Henry Kuttner)

El funeral (The Funeral, Richard Matheson)
Tan cerca de la oscuridad (So Near the Darkness, Theodore Sturgeon)
Vampiro (Vampire, Richard Matheson)

Ella solo sale de noche (She Only Goes Out at Night, William Tenn)

La caza (The Hunt, Joseph Payne Brennan)
Rapsodia húngara (Hungarian Rhapsody, Robert Bloch)

Los vampiros no existen (No Such Thing as a Vampire, Richard Matheson)

Primer aniversario (First Anniversary, Richard Matheson)

La sombra en el ático (The Shadow in the Attic, August Derleth)

El muerto viviente (The Living Dead, Robert Bloch)

Doctor Porthos (Doctor Porthos, Basil Copper)
Prueba un cuchillo sin filo (Try a Dull Knife, Harlan Ellison)

Historia del reino de los vampiros (Storia del regno dei vampiri, Italo Calvino)
Nave de sombras (Ship of Shadows, Fritz Leiber)

Nosferatu (Nosferatu, Griselda Gambaro)

Estacas (Sticks, Karl Edward Wagner)
El laberinto (The Labyrinth, R. Chetwynd-Hayes)

Vuelto a nacer (Born Again, Sharon N. Farber)

Contagio (Contagion, Janet Asimov)

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